幸福とは何か:思考実験で学ぶ倫理学入門 2018

Fletcher. The Philosophy of Well-Being. 2016

The Philosophy of Well-Being: An Introduction (English Edition)

Bradley. Well-Being. 2015

Well-Being (Key Concepts in Philosophy) (English Edition)

Fletcher ed. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being. 2015

The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being (Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy) (English Edition)

Introduction Guy Fletcher

Part 1: Well-Being in the History of Moral Philosophy

  1. Plato Eric Brown

  2. Aristotle on Well-Being Richard Kraut

  3. Hedonistic Theories of Well Being in Antiquity Tim O’Keefe

  4. Well-Being and Confucianism Richard Kim

  5. Well-Being and Daoism Justin Tiwald